Friday, December 22, 2006

Do you remember?

Today I found myself wondering when and why I became interested in computers. My first computer was the Coleco Adam- here are the specs

Coleco Adam
Introduced: June 1983
Released: October 1983
Discontinued: January 1985
Price: US $600
CPU: Zilog Z80-A @ 3.58MHz
RAM: 80K, 64K available to user
Display: TV (RF) & composite video
36 X 24 text, 16 colors
256 X 192 graphics
Ports: cartridge, video, AdamNet
Expansion: 3 internal expansion slots
Peripherals: Daisy-wheel printer (required)
Storage: 1 or 2 internal cassette drives
External floppy drive available
OS: BASIC, loaded from cassette

Amazingly I can remember coding in syntax similar to 'goto line'. I have had limited training with computers. Used to be pretty good with Java and NT security, dabbled in intrusion detection but never really studied the fundamentals. What I see now is that what I need to study is HCI - human computer interaction for it is not the internals that impress me it is the human that concerns me. There is a psychosis on the horizon, one where some humans lose conscious control over communication. We are seeing signs of this now as young children are reliant upon IM and SMS to communicate. I am not concerned about the masses but rather a small segment of our society that might not be predisposed to understanding communication boundaries. I am also concerned that there is an entire populace that has no exposure to computers and their communication capabilities.

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