Sunday, August 30, 2009


as the temperature tonight drops below 10 degrees we are faced with prospect of autumn approaching. For many it is difficult time as old man winter is just around the corner. for me it is my favorite season with all the abundant colors on display. the air is much fresher, nit just from a temperate perspective, but from how it enters the body and feeds us. today as i drove around the country side i could smell wood burning and i was immediately transported back to my fathers garage where he burned wood while he worked on his antique cars. Smell being the major sense for memory recall, the image was so vivid that i might well have started to talk to my father if i had not jolted awake by a sudden closure in the road.

This idea of memory and smell being so directly associated had me pondering if there was a causal relationship between other mental functions or situations such as deja vu or memory loss.

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