Thursday, October 21, 2010

egon schiele four trees

schiele's painting four trees draws the eye from the four trees to the sky. Schiele could have easily called this work four skys. his use of the rolling hills caresses the viewer into the third tree from the lest and immediately thereafter into the orange of the sky. the fourth tree from the left  as been unduly harmed by a stroke of transparency that casts the tree to the side even though it may be the largest and most bountiful. The gradualness of the sky encourages the viewer to take part in each layer, it instructs us at the same time as it encourages us not too look back at the ground or the trees. The moderate use of oranges in the lower sky is not abnormal and can be seen routinely in other artists work during this time period and to this day. what remains a mystery is schiele's use of transparency as noted above.

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